Renting portions, flats, and whole houses is a very common way in Pakistan to generate revenue in no time. Many people work on their property and give it out on rent to generate a revenue that is easy and fast. The damage to your property is very less and it gets covered as well under laws and regulations here in Pakistan.You might see that there are lots of people whom you personally know and they rent out their house and property, that’s their whole business. But, have you ever thought that every other house also has a car or even more but usually people do not rent out those, any guesses?
The main reason for not listing your cars as well on rent is no strong laws that will pay for the damage control in case of incidents and cars surely are expensive here because they are imported. This is the main reason why people usually do not trust other people with their quite expensive cars.
Khudcar is a platform in Pakistan that not only helps you with getting cars for rent but you can also enlist your cars there and they guide you with the whole procedure on how to do that with their platform.There is fuel expense, maintenance and looking after it every week at the very least if not regular, if there is unfortunately an accident or similar situation, you spend there as well. After every few years you will need to get proper maintenance for your car. All these expenses and a single pay. It is a really smart choice to go and opt for renting out your car to a reliable platform that will give your revenue and you will not need to worry about a single thing here.
We will list down a few benefits why you should rent your car on Khudcar and start making money as soon as today.
Khudcar is a platform run by an overseas company and their office is located in Lahore. There are strong policies that grant benefits to both the person who is renting their car and the person who is taking the car on rent from Khudcar platform. You can have the freedom to choose your clients and make a deal with fair pricing schemes of Khudcar. It’s a win-win situation for both parties.
Khudcar is a trusted platform by all users because of its fair enough policies that caters the needs of its customers and it’s uptight security helps in building the trust in the name of Khudcar. The policies to rent cars by owner and customer both are very fair and strict. There is no negligence when it comes to security of your car here.
Unlike many local rental car owners, they follow a proper procedure of renting a car on their website and to their customers as well. There is proper check of the car as well as documentation policies for both parties. But , what stands out the most is their insurance policy for people who will lend their cars on their website.They get damage control and also this policy works well in the worst case scenario of theft and similar incidents.It basically ensures that any kind of damage happening to your car will be covered by them in all best possible ways.
You can choose the pricing for each booking for your car. The platform lets you decide what you can charge for the ride as well as you can also set your daily mileage limit for your car and it won’t be used more than that. All these policies are here to ensure you that your car is in safe hands and there is no need to worry about it anymore.
Not only that you have all rights to choose the prices, you can also choose your customer as per your liking and trust. They provide you with all details and you can choose the right person and right charges for your car alongside mileage limit and refund policies.
The best part is their incredible and hardworking Customer Care and Support services, that are available for 24 hours and within reach of everyone. They also provide a way better support to car owners. You get support from the moment you enlist your car on their website till you have any issue at any time of the day.
You can book your car instantly from app